Facing Your Giants (3) By Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (3) By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week we will continue facing your giants; look at what causes some of the giants you face. So my question for you today: what are the Giants you’re facing and want help and confront today? You may have one or several Giants that control you.

There is the fear of divorce and separation. Less than half the marriages in the US will not survive and end up in divorce. Moving on with your life when considering a divorce can be devastating. I suggest you sit down and look at your next steps in getting your life back from a bad marriage. I can tell you that it’s a difficult time during the process, but you will survive. You can contact Dr. Mike if you need help figuring out your next steps.

Anxiety is normal and can be a healthy emotion. But when a person regularly feels different levels of anxiety, this may be a medical disorder that needs to be addressed. Anxiety disorders need a mental health diagnosis, concerns that often lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry. Although we all experience anxiety when asking our boss for a raise or asking our significant other to get married, I believe those are healthy stress levels. So, what are the ways I can deal with my symptoms of anxiety? First, ask yourself why I am so anxious? Look at what is causing the feeling of being anxious. Take a deep breath and try to relax; start your positive self-talk to yourself, and think about positive locations where you feel safe, beaches, forests, lakes, and why you feel safe there. My big question to ask yourself is, are you in control of your brain, or is your brain in control of you?

I remember how anxious I was when taking a big Physiology of exercise exam in college. I studied for days and nights; this exam was the big test to get me into the next level of my degree program. I was not sleeping; I joined study groups, I had Q-cards I used when eating meals and at work. I was working myself into “I will not pass this test,” no matter how hard I worked at passing this major exam.” The finally arrived, and a million thoughts raced through my head; as I sat at my desk and waited for the test to be placed in my hands, a still, small voice started talking to me. You’ve got this; you have worked so hard and spent countless hours preparing for this exam. I agreed with what my mind was telling me. A calmness took over, and I looked at the test, and started taking it. Midway through this exam, my self-talk reminded me, “See, you’re worrying over nothing; there is no reason to get anxious.” I talked myself into using facts about how much time I put into studying and all my hard work. Believe me, that helped. I looked at the facts, my efforts in reading and analyzing data. I overcame my anxiety. That was one of my biggest giants! Next week we will continue the article facing your giants, see if any of the giants you face are ones others face as well.

Do you need help in overcoming the giants of your past? Do you struggle with memories of broken relationships, illness, self-worth, confidence? What are the giants you currently face and need help defeating? Giants can be debilitating and keep you from enjoying life and successful life. Call Dr. Mike, and he can help you through the process of taking your giants head on and help you to move forward with your life. Why live in a defeated and hurtful past when you can enjoy a stress-free present and future?

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to Zoom with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mbrooks3353@gmail.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of counseling/Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

What A Divorce Coach Can Do For You! By Dr. Michael Brooks

Did you know that most attorneys are not trained to act as Counselors or Divorce Coaches and cannot provide the proper emotional support that their clients need? As a result, the attorney and client spend hours discussing the emotional aspects of divorce and the client ends up paying a large bill and receives little more than a shoulder to cry on. Attorneys want to help you with the legal aspects of your divorce, not to be your Divorce coach or counselor. That’s not their job!

Many of my clients come to me with little or no energy left to accomplish what they want out of life (life’s battles). They say that there always seems to be a mountain to climb (major problem), and for others, a wall (major disaster) to run into. Does this sound familiar?

Divorce Coaching offers structure and holds clients responsible for assuming a proactive role. A Coach may recommend material for clients to read, work on, or refer to for future use. Clients can benefit by working with a Coach in setting realistic expectations for the process and receiving education about the options available for divorce. Being informed and prepared helps clients make important decisions with confidence. Guiding clients in clarifying their thoughts, needs, and concerns, in order to communicate more effectively, is another important function of the Coach. Clear, purposeful, and rational communication helps to ease tension and foster understanding between spouses, as well as parents and children.

Much like any crisis or trauma, the early emotions of a pending divorce include shock, disbelief, denial, anger, and the pain associated with the loss. Once the early emotions have been experienced, there is a need for people going through a divorce to make sure they continue to take the necessary steps in moving toward recovery. As with any significant loss that involves a meaningful relationship, divorce can lead someone to a place of anger, bitterness, and lonely despair. Dr. Mike will walk you through the critical role of forgiveness in divorce recovery. Especially when it comes to wrestling with issues, like trying to prove who’s right or wanting to get even.

In addition, many divorcing couples wind up in the traditional litigation route because they are reacting to fear, anger, and a desire for getting even and are not thinking about what will happen once the divorce battle has ended.

After the grief process has run its course, divorced men and women must begin to consider their next steps in getting back to a healthy level of functioning. While this may not necessarily mean starting a new romance there is a need to take stock and evaluate relationships with family members and friends.

Part of building a new life is the acceptance of having been divorced. There are key issues in starting over, these include the need to avoid a victim mindset, having a balanced life and building self-esteem, and considering the future in terms of family, jobs, and finances.

After the grief process has run its course, divorced men and women must begin to consider their next steps in getting back to a healthy level of functioning. While this may not necessarily mean starting a new romance there is a need to take stock and evaluate relationships with family members and friends.

Did you know that…
Americans divorce more than any country in the history of the world.
The divorce rate has increased in the U.S. every decade since 1890.

Dynamics of Divorce Coaching:
Delayed and later-life marriages are the norm for society today.
Divorce is often a lengthy process that can last for years.
The person who often seeks divorce coaching is the one who did not initiate the divorce proceedings.
Divorce coaches help repair and rebuild a life.
How the biological parents dealt with divorce literally determined the future of their sons and daughters.

What Divorce Coaching will do for you:
Help you manage the early emotions.
Move you towards acceptance.
Process the grief and loss.
Understand the grief cycle.
Do’s and don’t’s in your divorce.
Forgiveness and letting go.
Building a new life.
The Five Keys to starting over.
Barriers to new relationships.
Finding new relationships.
Now what? Living in a blended family.

Are you in the process of Divorce? Do you have a relationship that isn’t working, or that you want to improve and work on? Is your marriage in trouble, and is there still hope of reconciliation? Or do you need to end an unhealthy relationship? If you answered yes to any of these, I can help you as a Divorce Coach. You can call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878 if you have any questions.

When Your Anger Controls You (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks

When Your Anger Controls You! (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks Have you ever given much thought to the reasons why you get angry? We all get upset at times when someone irritates us, or we don’t get our way for some reason or another. What is the core of our anger? Why do we let our anger get the best of us? I hope that we have uncovered ways that you can release the anger that builds inside you, and you have tools to deal with it.  What causes you to get angry? Think about the people who have made you angry in the past? What did they do, or didn’t do that got you upset? Was it words or actions that set you off? We all have to deal with anger; it’s just how we deal with it that people see. To continue reading this article go to the following link below:
When Your Anger Controls You! (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks

The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (2) By Dr Michael Brooks

The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (2) By Dr Michael Brooks In today’s article, I believe that “The lack of communication in marriages today is a major reason for divorces.” Dr Mike Brooks. I have some suggestions for those of you who want to have a great marriage, (Work on it daily!) Please read and learn from these articles and how they can prevent divorce. Just being a spectator in your marriage will not work! Let’s look at the lack of communication and how that can destroy your marriage and any relationship for that matter! More often than not spouses seem to think that their better half can read their minds and know what to say and do. I have heard this over and over in my office several times. Here is a classic example. Wife says to the husband, “Honey did you put gas in my car?” Why, no I didn’t, why do you ask? “You always do and I was just reminding you that I need gas in my car. ”To continue reading this article go to the following link below:
The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (2) By Dr Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (7) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (7) By Dr. Michael Brooks This is the last article in a series in, Facing Your Giants. If you enjoyed these articles, please let Dr. Mike know. He always enjoys hearing from his readers. He currently is working on his podcast for his readers. If you have any podcast show idea’s let him know. Are you facing the giant of a failed relationship? We all have failed at a relationship at one time or another. It could have been a high school sweetheart, parents, friends, a co-worker. We all have been there. I know some people who recoil and fear about getting involved in another relationship. To continue reading this article go to the following link below:
Facing Your Giants (7) By Dr. Michael Brooks

The Giants of failed relationships can be hard

Facing Your Giants (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks This week we will continue facing your giants, let’s look at what causes some of the giants you face. So my question for you today: what are the Giants that you’re facing and want help in confronting? You may have one or several Giants that control you. Divorce/separation is a giant many will face at some time during their lifetime; whether you are in this process or a parent of an adult child who is going through a divorce or separation, this can be a big as a giant that you or your loved one will ever face. When someone doesn’t want a divorce, the pain that this causes will feel like death for those getting divorce papers served on them. To continue reading this article go to the following link below:
Facing Your Giants (5) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Are You Serious, You Want a Divorce?(3) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Are You Serious, You Want a Divorce? (3) By Dr. Michael Brooks We are continuing our article on “Are You Serious, You Want a Divorce?” Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of divorce and possibly save your marriage. There are several tips that can help you along the way of deciding what your next steps should be. If you’re the spouse who wants to leave the marriage, have you sought counseling/coaching on your next steps? Have you looked at every way to save your relationship? Or are you just bailing out on your marriage because you’ve been told life is better on this side of divorce? Many people that I have worked with will tell you once you file for divorce, life is miserable, painful, and hard to get motivated. Many have regretted in divorcing and not working on their marriage. ​To continue reading this article go to the following link below: ​http://idontwantthisdivorce.com/2019/02/are-you-serious-you-want-a-divorce-3-by-dr-michael-brooks/