Facing Your Giants (3) By Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (3) By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week we will continue facing your giants; look at what causes some of the giants you face. So my question for you today: what are the Giants you’re facing and want help and confront today? You may have one or several Giants that control you.

There is the fear of divorce and separation. Less than half the marriages in the US will not survive and end up in divorce. Moving on with your life when considering a divorce can be devastating. I suggest you sit down and look at your next steps in getting your life back from a bad marriage. I can tell you that it’s a difficult time during the process, but you will survive. You can contact Dr. Mike if you need help figuring out your next steps.

Anxiety is normal and can be a healthy emotion. But when a person regularly feels different levels of anxiety, this may be a medical disorder that needs to be addressed. Anxiety disorders need a mental health diagnosis, concerns that often lead to excessive nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worry. Although we all experience anxiety when asking our boss for a raise or asking our significant other to get married, I believe those are healthy stress levels. So, what are the ways I can deal with my symptoms of anxiety? First, ask yourself why I am so anxious? Look at what is causing the feeling of being anxious. Take a deep breath and try to relax; start your positive self-talk to yourself, and think about positive locations where you feel safe, beaches, forests, lakes, and why you feel safe there. My big question to ask yourself is, are you in control of your brain, or is your brain in control of you?

I remember how anxious I was when taking a big Physiology of exercise exam in college. I studied for days and nights; this exam was the big test to get me into the next level of my degree program. I was not sleeping; I joined study groups, I had Q-cards I used when eating meals and at work. I was working myself into “I will not pass this test,” no matter how hard I worked at passing this major exam.” The finally arrived, and a million thoughts raced through my head; as I sat at my desk and waited for the test to be placed in my hands, a still, small voice started talking to me. You’ve got this; you have worked so hard and spent countless hours preparing for this exam. I agreed with what my mind was telling me. A calmness took over, and I looked at the test, and started taking it. Midway through this exam, my self-talk reminded me, “See, you’re worrying over nothing; there is no reason to get anxious.” I talked myself into using facts about how much time I put into studying and all my hard work. Believe me, that helped. I looked at the facts, my efforts in reading and analyzing data. I overcame my anxiety. That was one of my biggest giants! Next week we will continue the article facing your giants, see if any of the giants you face are ones others face as well.

Do you need help in overcoming the giants of your past? Do you struggle with memories of broken relationships, illness, self-worth, confidence? What are the giants you currently face and need help defeating? Giants can be debilitating and keep you from enjoying life and successful life. Call Dr. Mike, and he can help you through the process of taking your giants head on and help you to move forward with your life. Why live in a defeated and hurtful past when you can enjoy a stress-free present and future?

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to Zoom with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mbrooks3353@gmail.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of counseling/Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

Facing Your Giants (2) By Dr. Michael Brooks

Facing Your Giants (2) By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week we will continue my article on Facing Your Giants. First, let’s look at what causes some of the giants we face. So my question for you today is: what are the Giants you’re facing and need help confronting today? You may have one or several Giants that control you; over the next several weeks, we’ll address several of them you may be facing. First, I will share with you one of my biggest Giants: Abandonment. I was raised in a military family, and we moved worldwide. We never stayed in one place very long, and it was rare that you would make any real friends because you’d soon move to another base. My parents were always at officers’ parties in the evening, and my sister and I were dropped off at the babysitters on the base. As soon as my sister and I found out that another night was going to be spent at the babysitter’s, I would beg not to go. I was only six years old and remembered feeling abandoned by my mom and dad. That was a painful childhood memory and stayed with me until I finally dealt with the problem. So, I’ll sit back and reminisce and ask myself, what are the Giants I have stored in the back of my mind and want to get rid of? I knew I needed help and wanted to have a clear conscience. So what are your giants, and what are your next steps to deal with them?

I will cover the ones I know personally and have helped my clients deal with in a one-on-one counseling/coaching session. Let’s talk if you relate to any of these and want to come to some resolution in eliminating them. I have some great idea’s on how to resolve them. Don’t let your Giants hold you back from becoming all you can be or do. Let’s look at these Giants and how to deal with them.

Fear, what are you fearful of? Fear can hold you back in many ways. It can prevent you from moving forward in your family, life, and work. Here is a definition of fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Fear has many names and strikes many of us at all levels. The fear of death is very real for most people, especially people over the age of 60 years old. When I talk to people about death, I ask them what is their biggest fear, believe it or not, dying alone! I am a pretty positive person, and I ask them about family and friends and do they have close people in their lives. Then I ask them about their health, are they exercising and eating right? I give them a talk about how they can improve their health by living a healthy lifestyle. Fear of death can be looked at in a logical way, and solutions can be found if only you focus on finding answers. . Next week we will continue the article facing your giants and see if any of the giants you face are ones others face as well.

Do you need help in overcoming the giants of your past? Do you struggle with memories of broken relationships, illness, self-worth, and confidence? What are the giants that you currently face and need help defeating them? Giants can be debilitating and keep you from enjoying life and successful life. Call Dr. Mike, and he can help you through the process of taking your giants head-on and help you to move forward with your life. Why live in a defeated and hurtful past when you can enjoy a stress-free present and future?

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to Zoom with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mbrooks3353@gmail.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call at 303.880.9878! You’ll be glad you did!

Don’t Allow Fear To Control You! (2)

Don’t Allow Fear to Control You! (2)

By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week, we will continue on how to deal with your fears so you can understand how to manage them. Fears don’t always have to be hidden and cause embarrassment. Dealing with them will give you freedom.

I will tell you, my jump didn’t go as planned, in fact not even close to what the paratroopers looked like when they landed. The umbrella collapsed and my pleasant ride became a nightmare. Unbeknownst to me, my mom was in the kitchen looking out the window when I crash landed. All she saw was my feet, waist, chest, my arms holding on to the umbrella, my head and then I disappeared with a thump. What do you think happened after that? Well, I’m here to tell you, she wasn’t worried about any broken bones, she was mad that I took the umbrella and it broke. She had a wooden spoon, and I was getting spanked for the broken umbrella.

I learned that my fall or jump, scared me with heights from that day on, I don’t like looking out windows on the 10th floor, I don’t like being on any balcony that’s 2 floors up or higher. That experience in Germany put the fear of God into me. I can laugh about it now, but not when I’m near any height. I know several people that cannot fly for many reasons. I initially had that fear too. I got over it when I started doing research on plane crashes…lol

So, what causes many of our fears? For me, it was a learned fear after jumping from a two-and-a-half-story house. My fear responses (like heights) today are caused by my early life as a kid. So, for many of us, past incidents or traumas can cause us to fear even into our adult life today.

Here are some common fears that trigger many people: Spiders, snakes, flying, heights, future events (divorce court, weddings, moving, new job, loss of a job, separation from spouse or children, failure, real or imagined events, and the unknown, darkness, being alone, etc.

Eventually, we have to overcome our fears no matter what they are. If you want to overcome your fears and face them head on, then do it, don’t wait for the perfect time. We all know that life can be hard and yes, at times it seems impossible. I think it’s made harder when we cave into the very fears that control us and cause a loss of opportunity and connection. I know that for most of us, we have no control over many factors in our life, yet we can still learn how to control the fears that control us. You have to be determined to face all your fears if you want to move ahead in life.

Dr. Mike and Rana will resume Zoom classes on August 19th and continue with the “Boundaries in Dating,” By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. “If you’re interested in attending this class, mark it on your calendar starting on Thursday August 19th from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. You’ll need to send Mike your email address to get a link for the Zoom class. Send your email address to mike@applicablecoaching.com. You can sit in and listen or be a participant. These classes are free.

If you are interested in any of these classes or have questions, send an email to mike@applicablecoaching.com or call 303.880.9878.

Do you feel like you’re living in fear all the time? Are you overcome and controlled by your fears and don’t know how move forward? Do you need help in trying to figure out and identify what your fears are? Do you want to know more about fears and how they can control us? Do you want help in managing and understanding your fears? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to contact Dr. Mike and set up an appointment. Please call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878.

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to have a Zoom meeting with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mike@applicablecoaching.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching and counseling for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

Beware of the Rattlesnakes in Your Life! (3)

Beware of the Rattlesnakes in your life! (3)

By Dr. Michael Brooks

This week, I will wrap up this article on the rattlesnakes in our lives. Hopefully, this helps in dealing with those people who could be a problem for you.

I got back in my truck, drove back home, and felt like a ton of bricks was lifted off my shoulders. So, my question to you is this, who are the rattlesnakes in your life? Are they friends, co-workers, family members, maybe your parents or kids? Can you identify the rattlesnakes immediately or have a suspicion on who they are? If you absolutely know who they are, why are you hanging around them, what purpose do they serve in your relationship with them? Are you fearful of the consequences if you break off the relationship? At some point and time, you need to stop hanging around snakes. They’re not good for you; they mean you harm. A baby rattlesnake is just as dangerous as a big one, and they bite too. How many times do you have to be bitten by a snake to know that maybe, just maybe, you should move on?

I suggest that you hang around good people who care for you and about you. You want people that encourage you to grow in your life. I suggest that when you hear people who are up to no good, that you see the poison in their talk and actions, leave those kinds of friends immediately.

I can recall a friend of mine back in my hometown who seemed to have it all together. He was a family man, a churchgoer, a great job, and well respected in the business community. I always enjoyed our talks and his country boy humor. He was funny and made you laugh. But, behind his eyes, there was something he was hiding, I could sense it; something just wasn’t right. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was overly cautious in what I said and shared. Then one day, he asked me to do him a favor. I listened to what he wanted and immediately said no way, I was shocked by what he told me. He was a poisonous snake, and I was done with our friendship. Sometimes you have to be quick and end a relationship that has potentially a bad outcome.

In closing, I want to give you a heads up about some people who are outright bad for you and need to be called rattlesnakes. Do you know who they are? If you do, do yourself a favor and end that relationship and move on. There are a lot of good people who would love to be a friend to you.

Dr. Mike has Zoom classes on “Boundaries in Dating,” By Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, on Thursday’s. “If you’re interested in attending this class, it’s on Thursday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. You’ll need to send Mike your email address to get a link for the Zoom class. Send your email address to mike@applicablecoaching.com. You can sit in and listen or be a participant. These classes are free.

If you are interested in any of these classes or have questions, send an email to mike@applicablecoaching.com or call 303.880.9878.

Do you feel like you’re living in a rattlesnake relationship and want help in deciding your next steps? Do you need help trying to figure out who you are married to and why they treat you the way they do? Do you want to know more about the motivations of the rattlesnake individual? Do you want help in managing and understanding your ups and downs with an unhealthy partner? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to contact Dr. Mike and set up an appointment. Please call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878.

Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous, and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Zoom (if you want to have a Zoom meeting with Dr. Mike, send him an email at mike@applicablecoaching.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

When Your Anger Controls You! (2) By Dr. Michael Brooks

When Your Anger Controls You! (2) By Dr. Michael Brooks So, what should you do when you get angry at somebody??? Well, here are some steps that can help you deal with your anger. Case in point: I had one client who would physically show signs of anger; he would shake and tremble, you could see him clench his jaws, the veins would pop out on his forehead. That was a warning sign that he was about to explode. His wife would get terrified and would have to leave the house; there was no reasoning with him….. To continue reading this article, go to the following link below:
When Your Anger Controls you! (2) By Dr. Michael Brooks

You Can’t Run Forever, Trust Me! (4) By Dr Michael Brooks

You Can’t Run Forever, Trust Me! (4) By Dr Michael Brooks This week, we will conclude the series on “You Can’t Run Forever, Trust me.” Many of you send me emails on what kind of articles you’d like me to write and comment on. Let me know, and I’ll make it happen. Thank you for being faithful followers. So, Dr Mike what if I go to the person I’ve hurt and have avoided for days, months or even years and they want nothing to do with me? My word of advice is this; at least you tried. That’s why I suggest, write a letter, email, or a phone call even better yet, is in person if at all possible. If the person is deceased, or you can’t locate them and you have tried all avenues in locating them (sincerely and honestly tried) then write them a long letter, after reading it, destroy it. I would consider the matter closed. You’ve done what you needed to do. It’s time for you to move on and live your life, no more running away or avoiding people. You are not alone in running away from life’s problems, we all have done it, you, me, our family, and our friends. Just think how many wonderful things you’ve missed out on by avoiding the people we love, all kinds of events, maybe weddings, family gatherings like Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, funerals, graduations. There is no reason for this. Make it happen, reconnect with those you love and admire. I say the hardest part in making reconnections is the worry “what will they say and think of me.” I liken this to my feelings about shots or IV’s, many of you know, I hate needles with a passion. When going in for surgery, I don’t dread the surgery itself, and I am fearful of the IV I get to prep me for surgery. I get anxious for days ahead of my surgery date, just over an IV. That’s the same feeling many get before they meet with someone they have been running away from, the IV effect… Now, there are some of you who want nothing to do with someone you are running away from, and there is a good reason for it. If you have been verbally, physically or sexually abused, then I get it and so do the rest of us. Then you need to stay away from those kinds of people. It’s best to just leave it alone. I don’t want you to stir up any trouble for yourself. Hopefully, you have gotten help from a counselor in dealing with those memories of your past. I can think of several entertainers who have run away from abusive relationships, and Tina Turner is the one that sticks in my mind. She endured beatings, death threats, verbal abuse on stage and at home. She finally had enough and ran away. She had good reasons to run from this type of man. Do you feel frustrated about running away from your past and want help in restoring a broken relationship? Do you want help in knowing how to let go of your past so you can get on with your life? Do you need help in setting up your auto-responders, so you don’t run from those situations that cause you embarrassment? Do you need help in understanding why you run from those who you fear? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to contact Dr. Mike and set up an appointment. Please call Dr. Mike at 303.880.9878. If you need to talk. Dr. Michael Brooks is the founder of Applicable Counseling and life coaching Services. It is affordable, accessible, anonymous and available by appointment from the privacy of your home. To avoid travel time and the comfort of home, many clients prefer to meet with Dr. Mike over the phone or via Skype (if you want to Skype with Dr. Mike send him an email at mbrooks3353@gmail.com to set up an appointment). The convenience of this type of Counseling/Coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live outside of Colorado. Give Dr. Mike a call! You’ll be glad you did!

The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (1) By Dr Michael Brooks

The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (1) By Dr Michael Brooks I was watching a husband and wife argue over their crying son in a crowded restaurant. He wanted her to take him out and deal with the problem while he watched his football team on the TV. They went back and forth when she finally said “fine; we’ll talk about this when we get home!” He seemed so out of touch with the anger his wife was showing towards him. She walked out and never came back in, he seemed to be more interested in his football game than his family. I’d say this is more common with younger families today then it was a generation ago. Disconnect with your spouse, and you’ll surely find marital unhappiness. I know many of you are busy with your jobs, hobbies, electronics, but your family should take a priority and be number one and not at the bottom of your list. Marriage is hard work, we all know that. To continue reading this article go to the following link below:
The Fastest Way to End Your Marriage (1) By Dr Michael Brooks