Why Quitters Quit

I was watching the little league world series a few weeks ago. The kids were great athletes and wanted to win at all costs. Great baseball is fun to watch, and watching these kids made me proud of how they played and conducted themselves.

The kids had great coaches, great fans and supportive parents and families. So, why do non-athletic kids in little league quit baseball? Is it bad coaches? Why do people quit their jobs? Is it bad bosses or bad employees? Why do people quit on their marriages? Is it an affair, or being unloved? Why do people throw in the towel about college? Is it a bad college, or they can’t get the money to go to college? Why do people give up on getting a better position at work? Is it because you have to better yourself with education?

I get a lot of calls from people who just want to lay down and give up. They have been beaten down in life. There is no one to encourage them in their daily struggles. It happens in relationships, at work, and in school. It happens everyday, to all of us! At one time or another we have faced wanting to quit at something during our lifetime.

I was a shy kid growing up. I think all the moving we did took its toll on me. We were always going to new schools, meeting new people, living on different army bases, and making new friends. It was hard on me. I couldn’t speak in public because of my shyness. Somehow I managed to get out of speech in high school. When I went to college, I saw that I had to have a speech class. My advisor in college signed me up for speech. I went to the first class, and knew I was in serious trouble. She told us how many speeches we would have to give. It was way too many for me. So, I went to my speech teacher’s office, and let her know that I was dropping her class and probably out of college. I had that much fear of public speaking! She said that she would help me out and knew how fearful public speaking was to me. I was to give her a speech every other week to her in her office. I would receive a D for the course. I agreed to that. I give her total credit for me staying in college. I wanted to quit, and she wouldn’t let me. I had someone who believed in me, when I didn’t believe in myself.

Quitting is the easy way out. Nothing gets resolved and it will continue to be a pattern until you deal with it. How many times have you realized that quitting leads to unresolved conflict and guilt within yourself? You get used to saying when you’re a quitter, “Oh boy,..here we go again, I shouldn’t have signed up for this, I can’t do it!”, “I can start another project, this is too hard.”, “I didn’t realize this would be so hard or take so long, I am quitting!”, “Who cares if I quit, it doesn’t matter to anyone.”.

What have been your excuses in quitting? I have had mine and I am sure that several of you have your own excuses. As an adult, I hear more and more hopelessness in young adults. They don’t have role models that keep them on track. They don’t have role models who keep them dreaming or help them live Their visions or passions. I didn’t have that growing up. I had to work hard and believe in myself once out of college. I did have a drive that made me be creative, and it paid off in several endeavors. There is no reason you should quit without a good reason. If its just to take the easy way out, then its wrong! I can help you gain confidence and overcome the quitters attitude.

Do you want to break the pattern of quitting? Do you need help in overcoming the quitter habit? Are you facing a situation that seems hopeless or to difficult and you want to quit? Is quitting a way of life for you? If you answered yes to any of these questions and want help you can contact Mike at 303.456.0555

You may ask, “How does the life and relationship coaching work over the phone?” We will meet once a week, by phone, for a one on one conference, usually 45 minutes to an hour a session. In each phone conference we’ll plan and review, together, each of your “focus goals” and action areas. In each session, you’ll also receive support and guidance in creating the right attitudes and motivation in the areas that you want to work on most. Its very simple, and your privacy is protected at all times.

If you would like some help in dealing with personal issues in your life or the relationship that you’re in, you can contact Mike at 303.456.0555. If you need more information about the Professional Accountability Partner Program, call 303.456.0555 or go to contact Mike link to set up a free consultation appointment. Dr. Mike’s website is www.applicablecoaching.com all calls are confidential and your privacy is protected. Check out Mike’s blog at: https://applicablecoaching.com/blog/ I always welcome your thoughts and comments on today’s coaching article. Mike is also available for speaking engagements.