Deciding to divorce

Deciding to Divorce by Dr. Michael Brooks
(Part Ten)

I miss the physical intimacy of being married. What can I do?

I think all of us who have been married crave the physical intimacy marriage brings. Let’s face it – God put those desires in our wiring. This is an area that many struggle with during their divorce. Over the years I have counseled many couples who were dealing with the fallout from infidelity. This is a major reason why divorces happen. Broken trust! There are many reasons why people cheat on their spouse. Here are a few reasons I have heard:

• I was talked into it.
• I didn’t hurt anyone.
• I wanted to see if people are still attracted to me.
• Everybody is doing it.
• If I don’t have sex, he/she will not like me.
• It will help me forget about my ex.

If you have an attitude like some of these folks, you’re bound to get into serious trouble. Sex without being in a long term commitment has negative consequences:• Health risks including HIV/AIDS and STDs.
• Unplanned pregnancy.
• Your children seeing you in a non-committed relationship.
• Pain and guilt experienced when the sexual relationship is over.
• Rape

After your divorce, I highly recommend abstaining from sex and focus on building a healthy relationship that’s built on trust, understanding, compromise, love and faith. Have boundaries when you start dating and make sure you both agree on the boundaries. Have a plan and know what to do when things get intense. If you are meeting people on the internet, be very careful. Many wonderful relationships begin on or eHarmony, but one word of caution, the internet has stalkers and meeting someone there can be very dangerous. If you need help with internet dating contact me. I’ll give you tips on staying safe. In this series, I will help you examine the process of getting divorced. We’ll take a close look at what to expect and will share critical information you need to know.

If you or your spouse is considering divorce, prior to making that final, life-changing decision, please call me. I can help you prepare for your divorce.

Are you experiencing a difficult time in your marriage and need help? Is your spouse avoiding talking with you about the problems in your marriage? Are you struggling with the execution and planning of your divorce? Would you like to learn communication tools that are helpful when talking with your spouse about repairing your marriage? If you answered yes to any of these questions, I can help you. Give me a call today!

Master Life Coaching is affordable, accessible, anonymous and available by appointment from the privacy of your own home. Avoid travel time and never leave the comfort of your home to meet with me. I have many out-of-state clients who prefer to meet over the phone or via Skype. The convenience of this type of coaching is the most effective means of Life Coaching for those who live out of the Denver-metro area or are out of the state of Colorado. Your privacy is guaranteed.

Many of you have expressed an interest in talking with me about how to save your marriage, or how to end it. Having gone through the pain myself, I’d be glad to help. Use my Click here to receive a free 30-minute appointment, I’m making my calendar available for you to schedule a free 30 minute appointment to see if divorce coaching or divorce counseling can help you. so I can help walk you through the process, step-by-step, whatever option you choose.

It won’t just go away by itself. Let me help you resolve one of the most painful times in your life, so you can start moving forward again. Make that your first step right now.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, call or email me at 303.456.0555 or All calls are confidential and your privacy is guaranteed.

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